Thursday, December 10, 2009
Final Project write-up
This living nightmare of a film seems to have turned into what it should have been all along! I couldn't find the motivation to truly find the direction it needed but after working all night i believe a nice piece has formed out of my film of disastrous shortcomings. With help from my friends Jeremiah and Andrew we scored out a nice assemblage of synth tracks and electric guitar. All of the sound is aided to various degrees by a tape delay. I wanted to grant more tact to the historical story feel to the piece. While scoring a strong concept emerged that bonded to the piece inseparably. There are times in our lives when emotions are entangled. While sometimes we think we can tell how a character feels by what they say or do, i wanted to use sound to add complexity to the emotions characters are feeling. Visually my actors did really well and with a somewhat minimalist soundtrack - at certain times - the believability of the piece skyrockets. I still notice a few shots that could provide some confusion but the shortened edit and the more poetic style to the piece gives the audience more room to fill in the blanks. I altered the ending to hit the viewer harder and attempted to realize the full potential of audio reacting with our subconscious. The final clip fades to black on one final bass note with an image of BJ reacting to the shotgun in his face frozen onto the screen. In the darkness we are left to think of the final image and then focus more on the sound of the final bass note reverberate. A shotgun blast suddenly explodes and the viewer is left to combine BJ's head with it as well as the soft sound of exploded chunks falling on dry leaves.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
alll righty! sooooo it's been a while since i've posted.. i feel i should make notes on how shooting went and what editing is looking like at the moment.
Filming was as hectic as it could be without falling apart completely. I had to get creative with the lights that i had (fireplace, lantern, candle, fourwheeler headlights, etc...) because i had to move to a cabin with no electricity without notice... However, this did not necessarily turn out horribly as a few shots turned out nicely. There were, still, a few poorly lit scenes that either i will just have to get over or reshoot. I DO plan on going back and shooting a few precise shots and taking some audio recordings for presence and sound effects.
I am proud of my actors for sticking with me so far and i hope they won't mind going out there again. They have all been great and did well at holding believability. This will help as i am at a point where i can take this film in two direction. I can keep it a serious film, straightforward action and gore that isn't over the top; orrrr i can cut this biatch up, keep the serious acting, and have the editing take itself wayy too seriously while reshooting some of the deaths with over-the-top gore... I will see how this editing goes and possibly in two weeks go do follow up shots for what i have decided. I'm very anxious to see how this turns out... anxious being the key word.
Filming was as hectic as it could be without falling apart completely. I had to get creative with the lights that i had (fireplace, lantern, candle, fourwheeler headlights, etc...) because i had to move to a cabin with no electricity without notice... However, this did not necessarily turn out horribly as a few shots turned out nicely. There were, still, a few poorly lit scenes that either i will just have to get over or reshoot. I DO plan on going back and shooting a few precise shots and taking some audio recordings for presence and sound effects.
I am proud of my actors for sticking with me so far and i hope they won't mind going out there again. They have all been great and did well at holding believability. This will help as i am at a point where i can take this film in two direction. I can keep it a serious film, straightforward action and gore that isn't over the top; orrrr i can cut this biatch up, keep the serious acting, and have the editing take itself wayy too seriously while reshooting some of the deaths with over-the-top gore... I will see how this editing goes and possibly in two weeks go do follow up shots for what i have decided. I'm very anxious to see how this turns out... anxious being the key word.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Thriller Script (edit 2)
The Rite Stuff
Scene 1: opening
Outside Cabin - Dusk
(Shot opens up to embers dancing above a fire; slowly pans down to a crackling fire and slowly and then trucks backwards revealing three characters sitting around the fire and talking while smoking.)
Alan: You ever wonder if John Wayne Gacy Jr. felt bad for what he did?
Jacky: You think of serial killers often?
Alan: I’m serious. I heard that when he killed his first victim it was because he thought his lover was attacking him with a kitchen knife and ended up killing the boy with it. Afterwards Gacy realized he jizzed himself from the intense moment and became addicted to the feeling.
Gerry: (laughs) And you decide to bring this up when we are far away from civilization and our phones have awful service?
Jacky: Alan Brennan… The next Jeffery Dahmer.
Alan: I’m just curious!
Gerry: That’s how it all starts.
(B.J., who has been hiding in the woods, jumps out screaming with an animal mask on.)
Alan: HO-LY… shit! (everyone jumps only Alan had a voiced reaction however.)
Jacky: B.J.?!
Gerry: What the fuck bro!? Did you seriously drive all the way out here just to scare us?
B.J.: (laughing hysterically) That. Was. Priceless! You should have seen yourselves! Like deer in headlights! Except for Alan over there… I think he pissed himself.
Gerry: You really must not have any friends if you’re out here prancing around with an African mask.
B.J.: Ha! I’m not the one who reserved the cabin for the weekend and only brought your girlfriend and your “partner”. Sounds like an orgy to me.
Gerry: Yep you’re right! Fours a crowd though so go home…
Alan: Don’t you work on the weekends?
Jacky: He doesn’t have a job..
B.J.: Whatever, I have a job! Full time job of rockin people’s faces off. Speakin of… (reaches for the joint.)
Gerry: Iiif you say so… (passes it to him)
B.J. (In between his two puffs.) Have you taken them to the burial ground yet?
Alan: The what?!
Gerry: There’s an Indian burial ground not far from here.
Alan: And why didn’t you tell the Anthropology Major?
Jacky: We were going to surprise you in the morning… great job!
B.J. It’s a lot cooler at night anyways.
Alan: I’m down.
Jacky: Nuh-uh. You guys have fun. I can sit and work on my article anyways.
B.J.: Let’s go let’s go let’s go! (scene cuts as he says this line.)
Scene 2
The burial ground - Night
(Shot moves down the side of an overgrown deer stand on the mound and they move through thick brush towards it as the camera levels. An owl hoots in the distance.)
Gerry: Yeah no one hunts in this stand anymore. Every time someone tries to fire a gun from the mound… The gun won’t fire. But the moment you step off, it’s like nothing was wrong.
B.J.: My firearm’s working fine.. (cuts to B.J. as he is shown from behind clearly taking a leak.)
Gerry: Oh so you got the burning to stop after that Malaysian whore?
B.J.: You mean what I got from your mom?
Gerry: (beat) you do realize we are brothers?
B.J.: Fucking amazing?! (holds an object we can’t quite see and comes running over.)
Gerry: Where did you get that?
Alan: Lemme see –
Scene 3
Outside Cabin - Night
(shot comes up of a piece of ceramic pottery in fire light. They are all around the campfire drinking beer.)
Jacky: What does it say?
Alan: It’s hard to tell. There are only fragmented phrases but I think it mentions a boy.. (beat) who. gets lost… from his tribe.
B.J. Laaame
Alan: (ignores B.J. continues interpreting) The boy is given some kind of choice between objects… that determines what kind of man the boy will become…
Gerry: We should definitely take this to your professor when we get back.
Alan: For sure.
Scene 4
Outside Cabin - Night
(Shot of Bathroom as Alan walks in, almost glances into the mirror. He walks over and pees and stares at the wall in front of him, lost in the photo in front of him. Unaware, he wavers closer and closer until his center of balance forces Alan to just use his head and stop his fall and still be able to pee in the toilet. He then uses one hand to push himself off the front wall and shakes his head.)
(He then zips and walks toward the sink. As he reaches to turn the sink off, he picks something out of his teeth and is disgusted with his drunken state. He washes his face to rejuvenate himself a little.)
(They are all still sitting outside. Gerry takes pictures of the cabin and some of his friends as Jacky and BJ sit by the fire drinking.)
Gerry: What?
B.J.: I think someone just threw a rock at me.
Jacky: Tell them to do it again.
B.J.: I bet it’s Alan screwin with me.
(Camera cuts back inside as Alan is getting done washing his face and drying it with a towel. He then proceeds to open the door.)
(cuts back to B.J. and he gets hit again.)
B.J.: Aghh-Ok! Where you at douchebag?
(A large thud* is heard behind the cabin. B.J. leaps up and holds a finger to his mouth. Then he sneaks off to the side of the cabin.)
(Camera cuts to a side shot of Alan and a large black figure looming over him in the doorway. Alan freaks, slips and nails his head on the counter. THUD!*)
(B.J. is behind the cabin looking down the ravine for Alan and sees a shadow duck off behind a tree.)
B.J.: (chuckles to himself) And he thinks he can scare me? (Quietly heads down the ravine after him)
(Alan is still lying on the floor of the bathroom writhing in pain and looks to see that there isn’t a figure there anymore. He gets up still feeling his head throb.)
Alan: That was slick… (Kicks at the puddle of water on the floor and then looks around but no one is there to catch the pun. Shakes head slightly)
(Alan walks outside and Gerry is taking pictures and Jacky
Alan: Where’s B.J.?
Gerry: He went lookin for you.. Where’ve you been?
Alan: The bathroom..
Gerry: The whole time? What were you doing in there, buffing the bishop?
Alan: That’s funny… I got sick , threw up, washed my face, slipped, and hit my head on the countertop… Fuck my life…
Jacky: Someone going to tell B.J. that Alan’s been here?
Gerry: I don’t have a connection out here… (beat) Let’s let him wander around a bit.
Scene 5
Woods, Night
(B.J. is wandering and hearing sounds of sticks hitting pine trees. He thinks Alan is trying to scare him. Wanting to beat him at his own game, B.J. pulls out the drumsticks he always carries in his back pocket and starts hitting the trees in response. First simply hitting once and then playing with rhythms, paradiddles, etc… The responding noises lead him upon a stream which runs into a small embankment covered with foliage. He comes upon three seemingly constructed circles of bedrocks, each one enshrining a different object. Two of which have two different plant growing out of them.)
B.J.: (of course, quickly takes what is in the center circle, a ceremonial blade with a goat horn for a handle.) Nice… (He unsheathes it and at the same time a piercing screech echoes through the woods.)
B.J.: What the… Fuck was that? (Gives up on the sneaking and decides to yell for Alan.) Hey Alan! Did you hear that? (nothing)
(B.J. leaves the foliage and begins to trek back to camp. He begins to hear brush rustling from location all around him. The scream comes again only this time it sounds as though the sound blew right by him. B.J. becomes startled. The woods seem much more alive now, trees waver, the sun casts long shadows because of it’s low position in the sky. He looks around rapidly as the camera takes more of a 1st perspective throwing the bearings of the audience. The noises get more and more intense. This beast sounds violent and it moves so fast you only see a blur. B.J. thinks he can hear where the next pass will be from. He looks and gets a glimpse of it coming at him. [done with an ambiguous figure quickly approaching and using skipped frames so it jumps forward.] He puts his back to the tree in front of him and listens for it to approach. This time the shriek is bloodcurdling. It gets louder and louder until B.J. swings out from behind the tree and thrusts his dagger at the creature. At the moment he jumps out, the high pitch ring instantly dissolves out into a cry of pain from Gerry. Gerry’s face is already pale as his writhing hands cling to B.J.s shoulders. B.J. looks down to see blood gushing out of the deep wound in Gerry’s gut. B.J. tries to back away but Gerry, gasping for air, tries to grab at B.J.. Confusion is across Gerry’s face as B.J. pushes him off. Grabbing at whatever he can, Gerry reaches and pulls B.J.’s shirt with one hand and the other pulls one of the drumsticks that was sticking out of B.J.’s back pocket. B.J. yanks his shirt out of Gerry’s hand as Gerry topples over face first plunging the knife deeper and finishing the job. Gerry lays face down with left hand underneath him [including the drumstick which is clutched in it] and only his right hand blindly outstretched in front of him.)
Scene 6
Outside Cabin – Night
(Alan and Jacky are still outside the cabin. They throw the Frisbee back and forth across the top of fire. B.J. walks up.)
Jacky: There you are!
Alan: Where’s Gerry?
B.J.: Is he not with here?
Jacky: He went looking for you.
B.J.: (shrugs) I didn’t see him…
Jacky: Oookay. Well… catch! (throws Frisbee at B.J. and he is slow to the draw. He gets hit.)
B.J.: What the hell Jacky!!!
Jacky: Jesus… lighten up.
B.J.: I need to take a leak. (walks to the cabin.)
Jacky: You could at least throw it back…
(B.J. doesn’t respond and continues inside. Shot moves inside the cabin as B.J. walks in and sees Gerry’s keys on the counter. He takes them and puts them in his pocket then moves to the bathroom. There he washes the small bit of dried blood off his hands. He stops for a moment and stares at himself in the mirror. He’s sickened and finally comes to takes in what happened. He vomits in the toilet and lingers above the rim for bit as he breathes heavily. Then he gets up to wash his face and then realizes he has only one drum stick. He knows things are complicated and is still assessing his plan of action.)
Scene 7
Dawn - Inside Cabin/Outside Woods
(Alan and B.J. are lying on their cots asleep as Jacky is restless for Gerry hasn’t returned. She decides to go alone and search for him. Shot shows B.J.’s head silhouetted by the dim light through the window. As Jacky exits light shines on the front of him showing that B.J. is actually still awake with his eyes peeled.)
Scene 8
Dawn, woods
(Jacky sees a body in the distance laying face down in the leaves.)
Jacky: Gerry!?!
(Runs over to him. She stops before the body and freezes out of breath wondering what to do. Jacky pushes Gerry over to reveal his bruised face and bloodshot eyes from the settling of fluids over night. At this moment the color of the scene drains away starting with the sight of the body and everything is again Black and White. A wound in the stomach is apparent as the bloody knife lay next to him. Jacky doesn’t have to check that he’s dead.)
Jacky: Oh.. shit.. SHIT! (pause) Gerry…
(Fighting back tears, she attempts to compose herself and slow down her breathing as she then gains courage up to search the body. Jacky reaches to lift up the shirt first, the blood sticks to the cotton as she pulls it back. Being a stomach wound, bile from the intestinal juices digest Gerry’s body inside and out, the fumes hit Jacky in the face. Quickly the shirt is dropped and Jacky nearly vomits. She remains on her knees staring unmoving at Gerry’s lifeless body. Finally she lets out a scream and breaks down into tears slowly reaching out to feel his cold face. Grabbing the bloody knife next to Gerry and looking it over, she wonders where such a device could possibly come from.)
Jacky: Who the hell did this to you?
B.J.: Jacky! Are you all right?
Alan: We heard you scream from the Cabin.
(B.J. and Alan walk up as they then see Gerry’s body next to Jacky. B.J. runs up shotgun in hand to get a better look at the corpse. Alan stares motionless, unable to quickly grasp what has happened.)
B.J.: Gerry!
Jacky: You don’t have to check him. He’s dead…
Alan: …What happened?
Jacky: I don’t know! I found this lying next to him but I just don’t understand…
B.J.: (quickly jumping up to see what she found) What is that? Some sacrificial dagger? (taking it from Jacky)
Alan: (snapping) Someone just sacrificed my best friend and left him out in the fucking woods? We have to do something!
Jacky: Like what Alan?! Whoever it is, is long gone by now!
B.J.: NO! we don’t… if we get help, who do you think will get blamed? I don’t see anyone else out here!
(At this moment Jacky notices what lies in Gerry’s left hand, a drumstick.)
Jacky: Not to mention your fingerprints are all over that knife.
Alan: Who the hell uses a ceremonial blade to murder someone?!
B.J.: Then we take the knife and toss it, and leave the body.
Jacky: If we do that the cops will think it was us! People know we came up here together.
Alan: Are ya’ll not worried about who did this?! They could come for us!
B.J.: People know you came up here. I’ve got my own ride…
Jacky: Fuck you B.J.!! He’s your own Brother!
Alan: She’s right we can’t just leave him here.
B.J.: If you tell anyone they are going to think it was us!
Jacky: Most likely just you…
B.J.: and why would they think that?
Jacky: I’ve seen how you look at him… You’ve always been jealous of Gerry.
Alan: What the hell are ya’ll talking about!
Jacky: Jealous of his talents, his success, his girlfriend.
B.J.: You’re full of shit.
Jacky: You’ve got no job, no life, no love. I’ve seen the way you look at me. Wishing you could be him. You’re so fucking worthless.
BJ: Shut up Jacky!!
Jacky: Don’t blame me for being a failure BJ! You were jealous of everything Gerry was and wanted it for yourself!!
BJ: Shut up!!!
Jacky: Wanted it so bad that you’d rather him not have anything because compared to him you WERE SHIT!!!
BJ: SHUT! (Hitting Jacky with across the face with the butt of the gun) UP!!!
(Alan being surprisingly quick to react grabs at the gun and attempts to wrestle it from BJ.)
BJ: Let go Alan! And I won’t shoot you!
(Alan headbutts BJ in the face and BJ loosen his grip enough for Alan to rip it out of his grasp as BJ falls to the ground beside Jacky. Alan instantly has the gun on BJ. Jacky is still dazed on the ground.)
Alan: Did you kill him?!
BJ: What..
Alan: Did you kill Gerry?!!
BJ: What do you think?!
Jacky: (still somewhat dazed) of course he did.
Alan: I want to hear him say it.
BJ: Of course not he’s my own brother!
Jacky: LIAR! (she jumps to get on top of BJ but Alan pushes her off and faces her with his back to BJ. Bad move.)
Alan: Jacky you don’t KNOW THAT!!
(As Alan says this, BJ rises up behind Alan with the blade in hand, swiftly reaches around his throat and gives him a Columbian necktie. Alan falls and holds himself up on a tree gradually sliding down as his hand leaves a single diagonal smear down the side.)
Scene 9
Outside Cabin – Day
(BJ reaches for the gun and Jacky is already bolting towards the cabin. She rounds the side of the cabin and there is a wood axe leaning on the wall. She picks it up and puts her back to the wall at the corner and tries to silence her breathing and listen for BJ. There is a moment of silence as she waits anxiously, hoping he rounds the side she’s on. Luckily he does and we see a barrel peek around the corner. She swings down aiming for his hands but he lets go and the gun and ax hit the ground. BJ grabs her and begins to drag her inside the cabin.)
(Jacky bites down hard onto his forearm)
(Jacky runs back to the ax but trips and falls around the corner twisting her ankle and let’s out a scream. BJ sees hears this and laughs. He walks around the corner to see her laying face down on the ground in pain.)
(Jacky rolls over, gun in hand. And cocks the shotgun once.)
(beat. BJ stares at her wondering if she‘s got the guts.)
(BJ’s head is demolished as his body instantly falls backward to the ground.)
(Jacky rolls over and instantly has time to think about everything, her eyes well as the shot fades out. The fire still is smoldering as we see her tear off in the car.)
(The Credits Roll)
Scene 1: opening
Outside Cabin - Dusk
(Shot opens up to embers dancing above a fire; slowly pans down to a crackling fire and slowly and then trucks backwards revealing three characters sitting around the fire and talking while smoking.)
Alan: You ever wonder if John Wayne Gacy Jr. felt bad for what he did?
Jacky: You think of serial killers often?
Alan: I’m serious. I heard that when he killed his first victim it was because he thought his lover was attacking him with a kitchen knife and ended up killing the boy with it. Afterwards Gacy realized he jizzed himself from the intense moment and became addicted to the feeling.
Gerry: (laughs) And you decide to bring this up when we are far away from civilization and our phones have awful service?
Jacky: Alan Brennan… The next Jeffery Dahmer.
Alan: I’m just curious!
Gerry: That’s how it all starts.
(B.J., who has been hiding in the woods, jumps out screaming with an animal mask on.)
Alan: HO-LY… shit! (everyone jumps only Alan had a voiced reaction however.)
Jacky: B.J.?!
Gerry: What the fuck bro!? Did you seriously drive all the way out here just to scare us?
B.J.: (laughing hysterically) That. Was. Priceless! You should have seen yourselves! Like deer in headlights! Except for Alan over there… I think he pissed himself.
Gerry: You really must not have any friends if you’re out here prancing around with an African mask.
B.J.: Ha! I’m not the one who reserved the cabin for the weekend and only brought your girlfriend and your “partner”. Sounds like an orgy to me.
Gerry: Yep you’re right! Fours a crowd though so go home…
Alan: Don’t you work on the weekends?
Jacky: He doesn’t have a job..
B.J.: Whatever, I have a job! Full time job of rockin people’s faces off. Speakin of… (reaches for the joint.)
Gerry: Iiif you say so… (passes it to him)
B.J. (In between his two puffs.) Have you taken them to the burial ground yet?
Alan: The what?!
Gerry: There’s an Indian burial ground not far from here.
Alan: And why didn’t you tell the Anthropology Major?
Jacky: We were going to surprise you in the morning… great job!
B.J. It’s a lot cooler at night anyways.
Alan: I’m down.
Jacky: Nuh-uh. You guys have fun. I can sit and work on my article anyways.
B.J.: Let’s go let’s go let’s go! (scene cuts as he says this line.)
Scene 2
The burial ground - Night
(Shot moves down the side of an overgrown deer stand on the mound and they move through thick brush towards it as the camera levels. An owl hoots in the distance.)
Gerry: Yeah no one hunts in this stand anymore. Every time someone tries to fire a gun from the mound… The gun won’t fire. But the moment you step off, it’s like nothing was wrong.
B.J.: My firearm’s working fine.. (cuts to B.J. as he is shown from behind clearly taking a leak.)
Gerry: Oh so you got the burning to stop after that Malaysian whore?
B.J.: You mean what I got from your mom?
Gerry: (beat) you do realize we are brothers?
B.J.: Fucking amazing?! (holds an object we can’t quite see and comes running over.)
Gerry: Where did you get that?
Alan: Lemme see –
Scene 3
Outside Cabin - Night
(shot comes up of a piece of ceramic pottery in fire light. They are all around the campfire drinking beer.)
Jacky: What does it say?
Alan: It’s hard to tell. There are only fragmented phrases but I think it mentions a boy.. (beat) who. gets lost… from his tribe.
B.J. Laaame
Alan: (ignores B.J. continues interpreting) The boy is given some kind of choice between objects… that determines what kind of man the boy will become…
Gerry: We should definitely take this to your professor when we get back.
Alan: For sure.
Scene 4
Outside Cabin - Night
(Shot of Bathroom as Alan walks in, almost glances into the mirror. He walks over and pees and stares at the wall in front of him, lost in the photo in front of him. Unaware, he wavers closer and closer until his center of balance forces Alan to just use his head and stop his fall and still be able to pee in the toilet. He then uses one hand to push himself off the front wall and shakes his head.)
(He then zips and walks toward the sink. As he reaches to turn the sink off, he picks something out of his teeth and is disgusted with his drunken state. He washes his face to rejuvenate himself a little.)
(They are all still sitting outside. Gerry takes pictures of the cabin and some of his friends as Jacky and BJ sit by the fire drinking.)
Gerry: What?
B.J.: I think someone just threw a rock at me.
Jacky: Tell them to do it again.
B.J.: I bet it’s Alan screwin with me.
(Camera cuts back inside as Alan is getting done washing his face and drying it with a towel. He then proceeds to open the door.)
(cuts back to B.J. and he gets hit again.)
B.J.: Aghh-Ok! Where you at douchebag?
(A large thud* is heard behind the cabin. B.J. leaps up and holds a finger to his mouth. Then he sneaks off to the side of the cabin.)
(Camera cuts to a side shot of Alan and a large black figure looming over him in the doorway. Alan freaks, slips and nails his head on the counter. THUD!*)
(B.J. is behind the cabin looking down the ravine for Alan and sees a shadow duck off behind a tree.)
B.J.: (chuckles to himself) And he thinks he can scare me? (Quietly heads down the ravine after him)
(Alan is still lying on the floor of the bathroom writhing in pain and looks to see that there isn’t a figure there anymore. He gets up still feeling his head throb.)
Alan: That was slick… (Kicks at the puddle of water on the floor and then looks around but no one is there to catch the pun. Shakes head slightly)
(Alan walks outside and Gerry is taking pictures and Jacky
Alan: Where’s B.J.?
Gerry: He went lookin for you.. Where’ve you been?
Alan: The bathroom..
Gerry: The whole time? What were you doing in there, buffing the bishop?
Alan: That’s funny… I got sick , threw up, washed my face, slipped, and hit my head on the countertop… Fuck my life…
Jacky: Someone going to tell B.J. that Alan’s been here?
Gerry: I don’t have a connection out here… (beat) Let’s let him wander around a bit.
Scene 5
Woods, Night
(B.J. is wandering and hearing sounds of sticks hitting pine trees. He thinks Alan is trying to scare him. Wanting to beat him at his own game, B.J. pulls out the drumsticks he always carries in his back pocket and starts hitting the trees in response. First simply hitting once and then playing with rhythms, paradiddles, etc… The responding noises lead him upon a stream which runs into a small embankment covered with foliage. He comes upon three seemingly constructed circles of bedrocks, each one enshrining a different object. Two of which have two different plant growing out of them.)
B.J.: (of course, quickly takes what is in the center circle, a ceremonial blade with a goat horn for a handle.) Nice… (He unsheathes it and at the same time a piercing screech echoes through the woods.)
B.J.: What the… Fuck was that? (Gives up on the sneaking and decides to yell for Alan.) Hey Alan! Did you hear that? (nothing)
(B.J. leaves the foliage and begins to trek back to camp. He begins to hear brush rustling from location all around him. The scream comes again only this time it sounds as though the sound blew right by him. B.J. becomes startled. The woods seem much more alive now, trees waver, the sun casts long shadows because of it’s low position in the sky. He looks around rapidly as the camera takes more of a 1st perspective throwing the bearings of the audience. The noises get more and more intense. This beast sounds violent and it moves so fast you only see a blur. B.J. thinks he can hear where the next pass will be from. He looks and gets a glimpse of it coming at him. [done with an ambiguous figure quickly approaching and using skipped frames so it jumps forward.] He puts his back to the tree in front of him and listens for it to approach. This time the shriek is bloodcurdling. It gets louder and louder until B.J. swings out from behind the tree and thrusts his dagger at the creature. At the moment he jumps out, the high pitch ring instantly dissolves out into a cry of pain from Gerry. Gerry’s face is already pale as his writhing hands cling to B.J.s shoulders. B.J. looks down to see blood gushing out of the deep wound in Gerry’s gut. B.J. tries to back away but Gerry, gasping for air, tries to grab at B.J.. Confusion is across Gerry’s face as B.J. pushes him off. Grabbing at whatever he can, Gerry reaches and pulls B.J.’s shirt with one hand and the other pulls one of the drumsticks that was sticking out of B.J.’s back pocket. B.J. yanks his shirt out of Gerry’s hand as Gerry topples over face first plunging the knife deeper and finishing the job. Gerry lays face down with left hand underneath him [including the drumstick which is clutched in it] and only his right hand blindly outstretched in front of him.)
Scene 6
Outside Cabin – Night
(Alan and Jacky are still outside the cabin. They throw the Frisbee back and forth across the top of fire. B.J. walks up.)
Jacky: There you are!
Alan: Where’s Gerry?
B.J.: Is he not with here?
Jacky: He went looking for you.
B.J.: (shrugs) I didn’t see him…
Jacky: Oookay. Well… catch! (throws Frisbee at B.J. and he is slow to the draw. He gets hit.)
B.J.: What the hell Jacky!!!
Jacky: Jesus… lighten up.
B.J.: I need to take a leak. (walks to the cabin.)
Jacky: You could at least throw it back…
(B.J. doesn’t respond and continues inside. Shot moves inside the cabin as B.J. walks in and sees Gerry’s keys on the counter. He takes them and puts them in his pocket then moves to the bathroom. There he washes the small bit of dried blood off his hands. He stops for a moment and stares at himself in the mirror. He’s sickened and finally comes to takes in what happened. He vomits in the toilet and lingers above the rim for bit as he breathes heavily. Then he gets up to wash his face and then realizes he has only one drum stick. He knows things are complicated and is still assessing his plan of action.)
Scene 7
Dawn - Inside Cabin/Outside Woods
(Alan and B.J. are lying on their cots asleep as Jacky is restless for Gerry hasn’t returned. She decides to go alone and search for him. Shot shows B.J.’s head silhouetted by the dim light through the window. As Jacky exits light shines on the front of him showing that B.J. is actually still awake with his eyes peeled.)
Scene 8
Dawn, woods
(Jacky sees a body in the distance laying face down in the leaves.)
Jacky: Gerry!?!
(Runs over to him. She stops before the body and freezes out of breath wondering what to do. Jacky pushes Gerry over to reveal his bruised face and bloodshot eyes from the settling of fluids over night. At this moment the color of the scene drains away starting with the sight of the body and everything is again Black and White. A wound in the stomach is apparent as the bloody knife lay next to him. Jacky doesn’t have to check that he’s dead.)
Jacky: Oh.. shit.. SHIT! (pause) Gerry…
(Fighting back tears, she attempts to compose herself and slow down her breathing as she then gains courage up to search the body. Jacky reaches to lift up the shirt first, the blood sticks to the cotton as she pulls it back. Being a stomach wound, bile from the intestinal juices digest Gerry’s body inside and out, the fumes hit Jacky in the face. Quickly the shirt is dropped and Jacky nearly vomits. She remains on her knees staring unmoving at Gerry’s lifeless body. Finally she lets out a scream and breaks down into tears slowly reaching out to feel his cold face. Grabbing the bloody knife next to Gerry and looking it over, she wonders where such a device could possibly come from.)
Jacky: Who the hell did this to you?
B.J.: Jacky! Are you all right?
Alan: We heard you scream from the Cabin.
(B.J. and Alan walk up as they then see Gerry’s body next to Jacky. B.J. runs up shotgun in hand to get a better look at the corpse. Alan stares motionless, unable to quickly grasp what has happened.)
B.J.: Gerry!
Jacky: You don’t have to check him. He’s dead…
Alan: …What happened?
Jacky: I don’t know! I found this lying next to him but I just don’t understand…
B.J.: (quickly jumping up to see what she found) What is that? Some sacrificial dagger? (taking it from Jacky)
Alan: (snapping) Someone just sacrificed my best friend and left him out in the fucking woods? We have to do something!
Jacky: Like what Alan?! Whoever it is, is long gone by now!
B.J.: NO! we don’t… if we get help, who do you think will get blamed? I don’t see anyone else out here!
(At this moment Jacky notices what lies in Gerry’s left hand, a drumstick.)
Jacky: Not to mention your fingerprints are all over that knife.
Alan: Who the hell uses a ceremonial blade to murder someone?!
B.J.: Then we take the knife and toss it, and leave the body.
Jacky: If we do that the cops will think it was us! People know we came up here together.
Alan: Are ya’ll not worried about who did this?! They could come for us!
B.J.: People know you came up here. I’ve got my own ride…
Jacky: Fuck you B.J.!! He’s your own Brother!
Alan: She’s right we can’t just leave him here.
B.J.: If you tell anyone they are going to think it was us!
Jacky: Most likely just you…
B.J.: and why would they think that?
Jacky: I’ve seen how you look at him… You’ve always been jealous of Gerry.
Alan: What the hell are ya’ll talking about!
Jacky: Jealous of his talents, his success, his girlfriend.
B.J.: You’re full of shit.
Jacky: You’ve got no job, no life, no love. I’ve seen the way you look at me. Wishing you could be him. You’re so fucking worthless.
BJ: Shut up Jacky!!
Jacky: Don’t blame me for being a failure BJ! You were jealous of everything Gerry was and wanted it for yourself!!
BJ: Shut up!!!
Jacky: Wanted it so bad that you’d rather him not have anything because compared to him you WERE SHIT!!!
BJ: SHUT! (Hitting Jacky with across the face with the butt of the gun) UP!!!
(Alan being surprisingly quick to react grabs at the gun and attempts to wrestle it from BJ.)
BJ: Let go Alan! And I won’t shoot you!
(Alan headbutts BJ in the face and BJ loosen his grip enough for Alan to rip it out of his grasp as BJ falls to the ground beside Jacky. Alan instantly has the gun on BJ. Jacky is still dazed on the ground.)
Alan: Did you kill him?!
BJ: What..
Alan: Did you kill Gerry?!!
BJ: What do you think?!
Jacky: (still somewhat dazed) of course he did.
Alan: I want to hear him say it.
BJ: Of course not he’s my own brother!
Jacky: LIAR! (she jumps to get on top of BJ but Alan pushes her off and faces her with his back to BJ. Bad move.)
Alan: Jacky you don’t KNOW THAT!!
(As Alan says this, BJ rises up behind Alan with the blade in hand, swiftly reaches around his throat and gives him a Columbian necktie. Alan falls and holds himself up on a tree gradually sliding down as his hand leaves a single diagonal smear down the side.)
Scene 9
Outside Cabin – Day
(BJ reaches for the gun and Jacky is already bolting towards the cabin. She rounds the side of the cabin and there is a wood axe leaning on the wall. She picks it up and puts her back to the wall at the corner and tries to silence her breathing and listen for BJ. There is a moment of silence as she waits anxiously, hoping he rounds the side she’s on. Luckily he does and we see a barrel peek around the corner. She swings down aiming for his hands but he lets go and the gun and ax hit the ground. BJ grabs her and begins to drag her inside the cabin.)
(Jacky bites down hard onto his forearm)
(Jacky runs back to the ax but trips and falls around the corner twisting her ankle and let’s out a scream. BJ sees hears this and laughs. He walks around the corner to see her laying face down on the ground in pain.)
(Jacky rolls over, gun in hand. And cocks the shotgun once.)
(beat. BJ stares at her wondering if she‘s got the guts.)
(BJ’s head is demolished as his body instantly falls backward to the ground.)
(Jacky rolls over and instantly has time to think about everything, her eyes well as the shot fades out. The fire still is smoldering as we see her tear off in the car.)
(The Credits Roll)
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Temporary Write up
ok so i'm sticking with one idea now. I say temporary because there are always details that change for me. I will film at the school at night and attempt to use after effects to create an antique film look. The use of skipped frames and dust and scratches will hopefully aid in the feel of the movie.
So the plot is that a guy, Rick, is going to an art school and ends up meeting a fellow student while working late. They hang out often and start growing fond of each other. Strange enough that he never sees her around classes during the day and begins asking friends whether they've even met her before. He decides to ask her whether she actually goes to school. It isn't until 2 nights later that he actually sees her in the auditorium only this time he is with a friend (another girl). Out of jealousy (For time's sake the spirit can be referred to as Anne) Anne kills Rick's friend. Rick runs only to find that she isn't confined to the school and winds up in his bedroom. In an attempt to free himself from this obsessive ghoul Rick uncovers her past and seeks out her redemption so she may move on. Only she isn't necessarily willing for this assistance and ends up becoming threatening for Rick to join her in her despaired existence.
Possible Endings being that he uncovers how she died of giving herself an abortion in the MCA bathroom after her boyfriend left her. And she accepts what happened after talking to Rick about it and Rick kills her old boyfriend or... Rick kills himself and joins her because he realizes he loves her more than any "living" girl he knows.
Here's some stuff to help with understanding the style i may be going for.
So the plot is that a guy, Rick, is going to an art school and ends up meeting a fellow student while working late. They hang out often and start growing fond of each other. Strange enough that he never sees her around classes during the day and begins asking friends whether they've even met her before. He decides to ask her whether she actually goes to school. It isn't until 2 nights later that he actually sees her in the auditorium only this time he is with a friend (another girl). Out of jealousy (For time's sake the spirit can be referred to as Anne) Anne kills Rick's friend. Rick runs only to find that she isn't confined to the school and winds up in his bedroom. In an attempt to free himself from this obsessive ghoul Rick uncovers her past and seeks out her redemption so she may move on. Only she isn't necessarily willing for this assistance and ends up becoming threatening for Rick to join her in her despaired existence.
Possible Endings being that he uncovers how she died of giving herself an abortion in the MCA bathroom after her boyfriend left her. And she accepts what happened after talking to Rick about it and Rick kills her old boyfriend or... Rick kills himself and joins her because he realizes he loves her more than any "living" girl he knows.
Here's some stuff to help with understanding the style i may be going for.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Writer's Dump
For starters I need to start sleeping more so i don't miss class. :/ Sorry Jill. I don't want you to think that i'm not working on film scripts so i'm going to publish what i have so far.
Ok so i have a plethora of ideas that are as scattered and random as the thoughts in my head. I could even possibly mix and match different ideas with each other but for now i'll just write them down as separate film ideas.
1. Genre: Psychological Thriller
Plot: An under-appreciated student falls for a girl who just so happens to have a boyfriend. At the same time his sleep patterns are skewed to the point that his "dreams" mix with reality. At first they seem inspirational and help him with finding himself and his creativity, but soon he begins having a arachnoid being talking to him. The spirit threatens harm if he does not perform certain tasks. One of which, "coincidentally", is to murder the boyfriend of his crush.
Concept: I want the story to be open when dealing with taking sides. As in life everyone has their own opinion and there isn't one person who is necessarily right or wrong. I want the audience to wonder what they would've done and hopefully have differing opinions on the subject with at least a few people feeling that the student was "justified" in the end.
2. Genre: Cult Horror
Concept: Done in black and white with the inspiration of bella lugosi. Maybe a little flair of bruce campbell injected in as well. Straight up horror films seem campy to me so because they tend to exaggerate features in a way that pulls away from the suspension of disbelief. Which is why i want to do one that takes itself entirely too seriously and in a way pokes fun at itself. Plot to fit this concept is still undecided.
3. Genre: Horror
Concept: The general horror flick. spirits, gore. This one would be serious if i do it yet i don't want it to take itself too seriously. This would be black and white for i feel this adds to the use of imagination.
Ok so i have a plethora of ideas that are as scattered and random as the thoughts in my head. I could even possibly mix and match different ideas with each other but for now i'll just write them down as separate film ideas.
1. Genre: Psychological Thriller
Plot: An under-appreciated student falls for a girl who just so happens to have a boyfriend. At the same time his sleep patterns are skewed to the point that his "dreams" mix with reality. At first they seem inspirational and help him with finding himself and his creativity, but soon he begins having a arachnoid being talking to him. The spirit threatens harm if he does not perform certain tasks. One of which, "coincidentally", is to murder the boyfriend of his crush.
Concept: I want the story to be open when dealing with taking sides. As in life everyone has their own opinion and there isn't one person who is necessarily right or wrong. I want the audience to wonder what they would've done and hopefully have differing opinions on the subject with at least a few people feeling that the student was "justified" in the end.
2. Genre: Cult Horror
Concept: Done in black and white with the inspiration of bella lugosi. Maybe a little flair of bruce campbell injected in as well. Straight up horror films seem campy to me so because they tend to exaggerate features in a way that pulls away from the suspension of disbelief. Which is why i want to do one that takes itself entirely too seriously and in a way pokes fun at itself. Plot to fit this concept is still undecided.
3. Genre: Horror
Concept: The general horror flick. spirits, gore. This one would be serious if i do it yet i don't want it to take itself too seriously. This would be black and white for i feel this adds to the use of imagination.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
alllriight.. so it is time to corral my thoughts and formulate a direction for my next short. Working as a PA on a horror movie/webseries inspired me to go into an even darker direction than i have before. There are so many simple ways of using household materials, aided by light and camera angle, to create realistic gore. I've always been fascinated by the way blood looks in black and white. It holds a different context entirely. As if it takes the form of some dark evil oozing from under pure white skin. Perhaps it is the contrast created from black and white that creates this, and through dramatic lighting i can make color film react the same. Also speaking of contrast i believe in injecting a little humor into even the darkest of films. I usually hate horror films, which is why i want to tackle one myself to see if i can find a love for it myself. I've got a whole list of japanese horror movies on my netflix ready to cue so it's time to get watching. I truly feel every film i do will be an experiment, for myself at least. As each person's life is an experiment unto themselves; no one else has truly been where we are now.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
ok so i finally solved the issues in my plot. there is no martyr. only a man living in a world where oppression has grown tremendously and simple pleasures such as getting a hair cut are considered taboo. STORY opens as a couple is in a serious argument. quick flashes foreshadow events yet are ambiguous leaving the viewer to question what truly will happen in the near future. the images will consist of glimpses of various parts of a woman under low lighting with small traces of blood that are contrasted using a film noir style. it will all be shot at night and the argument will gradually reveal hints of the truth behind what is going on. the fact that the man wants a haircut is not revealed until the end leaving glimpses of scissors to guide the viewer to a misguided conclusion of him killing the girl. only in the end the girl kills herself out of shame for her husbands taboo acts of cutting his hair.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Film writeup
Thanks everyone for the input. I agree with the film noir style. and i'm pretty sure i'm going to change the movie yet again just cause i'm one of those people who never can make up their mind. not too drastically though for there will still be an intensely dramatic fight between a couple only the only person who dies is the protagonist for he wants to become a martyr for his religeon, christianity. Hopefully this will bring up some debate whether or not faith is the correct show of who is right and wrong and also how religion can be used as a weapon to gain either money or power. In the middle of the fight scene i will have the actors suddenly break character - yanking the audience out of their suspension of disbelief (so to speak). MY reasons for this are so the viewer questions what they are watching itself and to learn to view things for what they really are. i know i'm not done with the script and all yet but i just am not that fast at writing scripts. It'll be done soon though.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
movie idea
since i didn't write three ideas i figure i'll write one good idea that i've been discussing with friends.
I want to film in a style that i am not used to so that i may experiment and challenge myself. i want to film an extremely non-linear progression and more extreme camera angles. The concept of my movie will be on how our emotions cause a disillusionment of reality. Colors will be used to emphasize the feeling of the viewer and even though it is non-linear in form, i am going to attempt to keep the viewer in the loop and understanding of the sequence of events. My film will have to be of a passionate event. a man comes home to see his wife with another man talking, because she never introduced this man to him and henever knew of his existence, a flood of images with possible misguided events cram the screen blocking any rational thought. Mixed images of ambiguous past and perhaps future events taunt the man into a rampage where he kills the suspected lover - only to find that it was the brother she never knew of coming to visit her.
I want to film in a style that i am not used to so that i may experiment and challenge myself. i want to film an extremely non-linear progression and more extreme camera angles. The concept of my movie will be on how our emotions cause a disillusionment of reality. Colors will be used to emphasize the feeling of the viewer and even though it is non-linear in form, i am going to attempt to keep the viewer in the loop and understanding of the sequence of events. My film will have to be of a passionate event. a man comes home to see his wife with another man talking, because she never introduced this man to him and henever knew of his existence, a flood of images with possible misguided events cram the screen blocking any rational thought. Mixed images of ambiguous past and perhaps future events taunt the man into a rampage where he kills the suspected lover - only to find that it was the brother she never knew of coming to visit her.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Test Shoot Notes
Well i shot a lot of my footage Sat. and i changed a few things from the script. MAinly the part about having toilet paper being stolen. I shot my coffee table and keys disappearing off of it instead. this week i should animate the images with characters to steal the keys and run off. I got enough footage to test animation and then i also acquired some high quality sound of these scenes using the sound equipment from my sound class. simply opening the shades in my living room and turning on a side lamp gave enough lighting for the scene so i feel it all worked out all right.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
ok part 2. the elf took Ben's t.p. and he goes after him pants down and all. just outside the bathroom, around the corner the elf is spotted again only this time Knuckles from Sonic 2 flies in right behind him. The elf runs into Knuckles and he laughs then punches the elf who then drops the toilet paper. Flashing a thumbs up, Knuckles then quickly speeds off. Ben walks outside towards his car and is nearly hit by Mario rushing by in his go-kart. Ben gets in his car and drives to schnucks. Upon walking in the store he warps to a world video game. In the store he must complete 3 different levels of 3 separate genres of games to reach the milk. Stage 1 will resemble a Bomberman game with pictures of random people found in a supermarket as enemies. Level 2 is a stage of Mortal Kombat II, and Level 3 will resemble a good ol' Mario game. THe milk will be after the final stage and Ben will be reanimated for each game accordingly. I also plan on using supermarkey aesthetics in the design of the the game levels. Once at the milk Ben, exhausted, grabs whole milk on accident. Ben's girlfriend notices immediately that the milk is whole and not skim.
Wendy: Oh Great. Whole Milk.
Once again three choices are displayed for Ben.
[1. What? Who put this in here? 2. Yeah! and you're gonna like it too! 3. (say nothing)]
Selection highlights choice 1.
Ben: What? who put this in here?
Wendy: Hah! Oh really? You expect me to believe that? I'll eat my cereal dry it's ok...
pause screen.. highlight selects "load checkpoint 2."
cuts back to last selection screen and it selects 2 this time.
Ben: Yep! and you're gonna like it too!
Wendy: (cocks head to side and raises eyebrow with slightly menacing look in eye) Oh really...
pause screen. highlight selects load checkpoint 1.
Cuts to Ben back at the supermarket.
He looks at the doors with an exasperated look. then takes a long sigh and walks to enter yet again.
The End
Wendy: Oh Great. Whole Milk.
Once again three choices are displayed for Ben.
[1. What? Who put this in here? 2. Yeah! and you're gonna like it too! 3. (say nothing)]
Selection highlights choice 1.
Ben: What? who put this in here?
Wendy: Hah! Oh really? You expect me to believe that? I'll eat my cereal dry it's ok...
pause screen.. highlight selects "load checkpoint 2."
cuts back to last selection screen and it selects 2 this time.
Ben: Yep! and you're gonna like it too!
Wendy: (cocks head to side and raises eyebrow with slightly menacing look in eye) Oh really...
pause screen. highlight selects load checkpoint 1.
Cuts to Ben back at the supermarket.
He looks at the doors with an exasperated look. then takes a long sigh and walks to enter yet again.
The End
Monday, March 16, 2009
Wicked Pixies
I just came across a blog where they had ripped actual pixel's from old-school videogames. Just searching through these brought up a ton of ideas, which is awesome cause i have been at a loss for ideas on my script lately. Check out some of these "pixies".

i can incorporate these pixels into the movie to further promote my theme of life as a videogame. I want to make Mario pass by just as another car on the road. And other various characters will be stumbled upon by the main character.

I want to turn an average event of going to the grocery store into a videogame level where the main character must navigate a labyrinth of a store to get skim milk for his girlfriend. Upon reaching the dairy section he must defeat scorpion and in the midst of all the action he mistakenly picks up whole milk.

Opening credits appear as Ben wakes up from an afternoon nap to his girlfriend, Wendy, calling and asking him to stop by the store.
(Phone rings)
Ben picks up phone and looks at who is calling, then answers.
Ben: Hey Boo.
pause Ben: What do you need?
(screen comes up showing 3 choices of remarks for Ben to say. An outline switches back and forth signalizing a selection being made. Option 1: OK fine i'll run by and pick it up for you.
Option 2: Umm... No.
Option 3: I really don't understand why you get that watered down crap.
(the selection highlights the choice of...)
Ben: I really don't understand why you get that watered down crap.
pause Ben: Whatever you look great.
Screen appears with text saying
"Do you accept Quest: Skim milk?" With options "sure. why not?" and "She can get it herself." as two options.
(Selection highlight moves over the options.)
Ben: Yeah i'll be over once i pick up the milk.
Ben gets up to go to the bathroom and sits down on the toilet as sound effects similar to when mario warps between levels through pipes. He looks around for the toilet paper as suddenly an elf from GoldenAxe appears in the door with the t.p. in grasp. The elf chuckles then runs off with the paper in his sack.

i can incorporate these pixels into the movie to further promote my theme of life as a videogame. I want to make Mario pass by just as another car on the road. And other various characters will be stumbled upon by the main character.

I want to turn an average event of going to the grocery store into a videogame level where the main character must navigate a labyrinth of a store to get skim milk for his girlfriend. Upon reaching the dairy section he must defeat scorpion and in the midst of all the action he mistakenly picks up whole milk.

Opening credits appear as Ben wakes up from an afternoon nap to his girlfriend, Wendy, calling and asking him to stop by the store.
(Phone rings)
Ben picks up phone and looks at who is calling, then answers.
Ben: Hey Boo.
pause Ben: What do you need?
(screen comes up showing 3 choices of remarks for Ben to say. An outline switches back and forth signalizing a selection being made. Option 1: OK fine i'll run by and pick it up for you.
Option 2: Umm... No.
Option 3: I really don't understand why you get that watered down crap.
(the selection highlights the choice of...)
Ben: I really don't understand why you get that watered down crap.
pause Ben: Whatever you look great.
Screen appears with text saying
"Do you accept Quest: Skim milk?" With options "sure. why not?" and "She can get it herself." as two options.
(Selection highlight moves over the options.)
Ben: Yeah i'll be over once i pick up the milk.
Ben gets up to go to the bathroom and sits down on the toilet as sound effects similar to when mario warps between levels through pipes. He looks around for the toilet paper as suddenly an elf from GoldenAxe appears in the door with the t.p. in grasp. The elf chuckles then runs off with the paper in his sack.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Focusing My Scope
I want to elaborate on one thesis from my manifesto and constrain it to the the spectrum of what i want accomplished in my next film. All beings are trapped inside a world expanded by the vastness of their own knowledge and experience. Humans, however, possess the intelligent capacity to imagine our own events from our life experiences. This is what i refer to when i say we can do whatever we want within the bounds of our own perception. What happens to us in our lives molds us into the people we are, yet our own choices also affect what happens to us, thus we are partly responsible for the people we become.
My film is going to be a normal everyday account of how we can tap into our experiences to play out in our heads the consequences of our actions. A boy and his girlfriend hold a seemingly simple conversation. The viewer will get a chance to see the thought behind the dialogue by combining the scene with the style of conversations in role playing video games. Possible responses are laid out in multiple choice and played out, if an unwanted result is achieved another approach is attempted. Good actors are able to consider the subtext and what the character is thinking along with what the lines are. The subtext tells everything, as no one truly says exactly what they feel all the time. I intend to breakdown our thought processes and show why all our past memories directly affect how we react.
My film is going to be a normal everyday account of how we can tap into our experiences to play out in our heads the consequences of our actions. A boy and his girlfriend hold a seemingly simple conversation. The viewer will get a chance to see the thought behind the dialogue by combining the scene with the style of conversations in role playing video games. Possible responses are laid out in multiple choice and played out, if an unwanted result is achieved another approach is attempted. Good actors are able to consider the subtext and what the character is thinking along with what the lines are. The subtext tells everything, as no one truly says exactly what they feel all the time. I intend to breakdown our thought processes and show why all our past memories directly affect how we react.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Response to Feedback on Manifesto
Talking to the class wasn't bad. I generally write as if i'm speaking to an imaginary person. I didn't feel too energetic today so i didn't give it my all but other than that i think i did ok. Feedback varied from critiques on whether there could actually be film made for animals and not only humans, to whether movies are just for entertainment and how aware we are of the ideas that are embedded in all sorts of media. J Wiss. was particularly interested in the fact that i saw actors as a majority of the blame for bad movies. Which i still hold as true. Acting could truly make or break a film if editors or directors aren't skilled enough to cover it up. the audience could easilly be pulled away from a film because of it. After feedback i also found that i should clarify conflicts in my manifesto and elaborate further on what i want my movies to show. To clear up contradictions, i take back the idea of movies only being for pure entertainment. Every movie inevitably brings with it the personality of the director and the world he has perceived will hold many similarities to his own ideals and standards in life. It is just apparent that the time, thought, and personality that go into a movie show once it is released. This being said we make movies for people to help people, whether it be by making the audience laugh or even cause them to understand themselves better if only by watching how others interact. We are all subject to the world we live in whether we like it or not; it molds us. Understanding how others have coped with their own realities is the best way to find inspiration for dealing with our own. Movies entertain because they cause us to think.
This is extremely hard for me as there are very few things about movies that i dislike. Let's face it, movies are entertainment and as long as something is interesting and semi-professional, it's hard to go wrong. I still laugh and awful horror movies just because they are so cheesy i and unrealistic i can't even allow myself suspension of disbelief. What i hate watching however is bad acting. I know it's hard to find good acting sometimes but it is an obvious show or low amount of funding (or poor budget management) for a movie if the actors aren't believable. I understand if they are youtube videos and student films however cause there is virtually no funding. THere isn't one concrete attribute that makes great movies nor is there a bad trick that never works on any film. If a movie is done creative, orginal, or just interesting to me i'll watch it and most likely enjoy it. I'm not interested in movies to create breakthrough artistic achievments. Let's just use movies for what they're great at, promoting ideas and understanding for the human condition. Which is that we can do whatever we want within the bounds of our own perception.
Memory Essay
My memory is of a dream. A dream is after all our mind subjectively organizing our memories. My dream starts out at night. MY friends Stephen, Austin, and I just pulled up next to this dimly lit street where we have information of a couple of thieves that had just skipped town in a hurry. Circular stepping stones lead the way up to the dark and hollow shell of a house. OUr lights search the interior of the house inquisitively. The interior is barren save for a brand new bike laying in the middle of the living room. Light glistens off the stainless steel cylinders of the frame. CRASH! Stephen is already inside the house lurking through the shadows. He approaches the bike, a narrow hallway falls behind him. Slowly light leaks through the door at the end of the hall. The light grows brighter as the door cracks open. A silhouette falls in front of the light and moves ever closer to stephen. Austin and I move to Stephen to make sure he sees this figure. We don't move. The figure still glides ever closer, yet we don't move since we are too curious and the figure does not appear menacing. The figure of a girl is revealed. Her head bowed down, still moving closer she appears to glow a faint white. Slowly her head raises to show a fair complexion, yet her eyes remain closed. Suddenly her eyes shoot open to a blackness completely void of any light; a glimpse into the abyss. We bolt. Our feet soaring over the grassy lawn we reach the truck. Stephen takes advantage of the truck bed as Austin and I jump in the cab. Upon takeoff I remember that we left the front door wide open, and as my gaze reaches the horizon in front of us, two black eyes are seared into the windshield.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Quiz #2!!! 2 being the grade i most likely made
1. Beams
2. Scoop?
3. Beam light
4. Fade
5. White card adds overall light to the area without glare
2. Scoop?
3. Beam light
4. Fade
5. White card adds overall light to the area without glare
Script Breakdown
1. a. 3 actors - 2 male one female to play the roles of a grandma, a young man, and his friend. I will double as the young man and also as the deep male voiceover.
b. young man will be in the first scene only, the friend will only be in the second scene and the grandma will be in the third. They are only about fifteen second scenes that fade up and freeze on their faces then fade out.
c. There will be four different locations two inside an apartment and two outside next to the street.
d. There will be one stunt to make it seem as i am running over a baby.
e. I will need a grandma's outfit and a small plastic baby doll to perform the run over stunt.
f. (read above) and also a strobe light and a blue plastic screen.
2. Sound will not be too much of a problem with the new script since it will all be done with voiceover. Lighting can be manipulated easily inside my apartment and my friend's who will play as the grandma's house. I will need a strobe light with a blue screen to create a police strobe look on the first scene. I do have a light i can use to add more light in the street as well.
b. young man will be in the first scene only, the friend will only be in the second scene and the grandma will be in the third. They are only about fifteen second scenes that fade up and freeze on their faces then fade out.
c. There will be four different locations two inside an apartment and two outside next to the street.
d. There will be one stunt to make it seem as i am running over a baby.
e. I will need a grandma's outfit and a small plastic baby doll to perform the run over stunt.
f. (read above) and also a strobe light and a blue plastic screen.
2. Sound will not be too much of a problem with the new script since it will all be done with voiceover. Lighting can be manipulated easily inside my apartment and my friend's who will play as the grandma's house. I will need a strobe light with a blue screen to create a police strobe look on the first scene. I do have a light i can use to add more light in the street as well.
Monday, February 9, 2009
test shooting notes
ok.. first i made the dumb move of not charging batteries the night before so i started charging them at noon and went scouting for some locations to shoot, while the large battery charged. at about 2 thirty i got back tried to start filming but yet again more set backs. For some reason the larger battery won't remain connected on the charger so it had absolutely no charge when i returned. i charged the smaller one for an hour leaving me with only an hour to run to my locations and shoot footage. What i found was that it is extremely hard in memphis to find a place where i may pull over and not have a car driving by every 5 seconds. So noise was a major problem. I also found that photo development places aren't exactly the best film locations either. And third i have no room for changing light around at these same locations. I shot some footage but have decided to start another idea i have that is more indoors and therefore more accessible and easier to manipulate. I will be staying up to write my new script with characters, costume, and prop information.
I will be filming a parody of Memphis public service announcements.
I will be filming a parody of Memphis public service announcements.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
"Let the Music Play" Plot and other info
3. a. Travis is a Graphic Design student in Memphis, TN who is attempting to complete the simple task of developing film at 9am.
b. He actually plans to pick up the film after class at noon yet his car stops dies on the way home and his cell phone is a piece and stopped working.
c and d. After pulling to the side Travis attempts to call for help but his phone glitches out and won't turn back on. After a moment of frustration attempting to get the car running he collapses in the driver's seat of the car. After a moment, a knock breaks the silence as a fairly inebriated homeless man is peering in the window. The man is offering to help yet Travis misunderstands, assuming that he is asking for money and is dismissive. After the hobo walks away there are a few more beats and Travis notices a cop approaching. He gets out and waves his arms at the cop as he approaches but the cop just waves back and drives by. Travis chases after the cop with no success and trips over the homeless man's plant. He gets up as the the man begins crying over the plant claiming it is hurt. After calming down the man demands an apology from Travis to his plant which is apparently named Jay Jay. After a brief argument Travis reluctantly agrees to apologize, to which the plant apparently does not accept. Nicholas begins wailing again because the good luck necklace he gave Jay Jay is lost. Travis promises to help if Nicholas will stop causing a scene. This causes for more frustration for apparently this necklace is imaginary and it takes Travis to eventually learn to play along and act like he found the necklace in his car. Nicholas makes some ambiguous statement of how the necklace causes the chaos of the world correlate in favor of the those who just let it exist. Unable to really grasp what this seemingly insane man is talking about, Travis looks for change in his car to go find a pay phone. Travis then notices Nicholas doing something under the hood of his car and adamantly asks what he is doing. Nicholas simply says, "Your film is ready", and shuts the hood as his body vanishes and the plant is nowhere to be found. Travis tries the engine and it cranks right up. He is already late for class so he heads to get his film anyways, curiosity most likely helped as well. Upon leaving Walgreens, drops the film on the ground revealing pictures of himself, Nicholas, and the plant that had taken place over the past hour.
e. Travis begins to lighten up and accept more of what happens that isn't under our control. He also is more apt to be generous.
f. i hope going to get filmed developed is realistic. Homeless are evident around this area and therefore realistic. Maybe some eccentric characters but hopefully made within a believable range. Some magical qualities will be evident.
b. He actually plans to pick up the film after class at noon yet his car stops dies on the way home and his cell phone is a piece and stopped working.
c and d. After pulling to the side Travis attempts to call for help but his phone glitches out and won't turn back on. After a moment of frustration attempting to get the car running he collapses in the driver's seat of the car. After a moment, a knock breaks the silence as a fairly inebriated homeless man is peering in the window. The man is offering to help yet Travis misunderstands, assuming that he is asking for money and is dismissive. After the hobo walks away there are a few more beats and Travis notices a cop approaching. He gets out and waves his arms at the cop as he approaches but the cop just waves back and drives by. Travis chases after the cop with no success and trips over the homeless man's plant. He gets up as the the man begins crying over the plant claiming it is hurt. After calming down the man demands an apology from Travis to his plant which is apparently named Jay Jay. After a brief argument Travis reluctantly agrees to apologize, to which the plant apparently does not accept. Nicholas begins wailing again because the good luck necklace he gave Jay Jay is lost. Travis promises to help if Nicholas will stop causing a scene. This causes for more frustration for apparently this necklace is imaginary and it takes Travis to eventually learn to play along and act like he found the necklace in his car. Nicholas makes some ambiguous statement of how the necklace causes the chaos of the world correlate in favor of the those who just let it exist. Unable to really grasp what this seemingly insane man is talking about, Travis looks for change in his car to go find a pay phone. Travis then notices Nicholas doing something under the hood of his car and adamantly asks what he is doing. Nicholas simply says, "Your film is ready", and shuts the hood as his body vanishes and the plant is nowhere to be found. Travis tries the engine and it cranks right up. He is already late for class so he heads to get his film anyways, curiosity most likely helped as well. Upon leaving Walgreens, drops the film on the ground revealing pictures of himself, Nicholas, and the plant that had taken place over the past hour.
e. Travis begins to lighten up and accept more of what happens that isn't under our control. He also is more apt to be generous.
f. i hope going to get filmed developed is realistic. Homeless are evident around this area and therefore realistic. Maybe some eccentric characters but hopefully made within a believable range. Some magical qualities will be evident.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
While We Wait
Genre: Comedic
Logline: A student goes to develop photos, pitting himself to wait an hour in his car and find amusement out of watching or interacting with his surroundings.
Synopsis: What is it about dreams that completely ignores the rules of reality. Everything affects us as though it is real yet laws of our world are lifted completely. This is incorporated into the forced waiting of an individual who starts on in the walgreens parking lot, just watching the outside world. A couple fights and he begins to mock them, realizing that what he does to them inside his car manipulates their actions outside. At one point he is even transported outside of his car and acts completely unmoved, as if this was normal. When do we finally realize that it is all a dream and wake up?
Logline: A student goes to develop photos, pitting himself to wait an hour in his car and find amusement out of watching or interacting with his surroundings.
Synopsis: What is it about dreams that completely ignores the rules of reality. Everything affects us as though it is real yet laws of our world are lifted completely. This is incorporated into the forced waiting of an individual who starts on in the walgreens parking lot, just watching the outside world. A couple fights and he begins to mock them, realizing that what he does to them inside his car manipulates their actions outside. At one point he is even transported outside of his car and acts completely unmoved, as if this was normal. When do we finally realize that it is all a dream and wake up?
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Meshes in the Afternoon Response
Maya Deren did a good job on keeping the viewer attentive yet still searching. The camera angles at times would tilt as the actress supported the loss of balance by falling in the opposite direction. Very good job on causing disorder and confusion. I could not grasp a definite meaning to the movie or what was to be gained except that it was some sort of a dream/memory loop. What i found funny was that the first time she ever tries to open the door after knocking, it is supposed to be locked but she slightly opened and shut the door on accident. Or perhaps this was intentional and the viewer was to understand that she perhaps did not need the key yet used it anyways.
Selling My Movie Like a Used Car Salesman
Ha my ideas aren't fully developed enough to find the foundation i would prefer for confidently selling them but I'm willing to b.s. for a class project.
1. Developing film takes one hour at and is terribly boring. Unless you are Gary, who gets, in a car wreck, rolls Walgreens into a river, swims to shore to find a sunbathing Gypsy with magical powers, gets attacked by summoned rats, and infected with rabies, only to make it back in time to pick up his developed film. How's that for an hour?
2. Would you ever consider it possible for an hour to last only a moment. Not only in your own mind but time changes for everyone around you as well. In my film "The Terminal" Chuck encounters this first hand.
3. Blah.. boring documentary don't worry about it.
One last idea before i go to sleep. I may just be delirious right now cause it's 4 am, but this seems thought provoking at the moment. I could film an entire episode of 24. This would be an time lapse representation of a one hour television show that is representing 24 hours. I guess i'll find out when i wake up whether I still think this would be cool.
More Time Ideas.
I can't sleep so i'm going to write up a few more ideas that are mulling around in my head. One aspect to consider is how i want the audience to feel about this hour or how the video will inevitably make them feel. Secondly, I also want to consider the use of transitions to show time pass. Even with transitions it would be nice to use actions that are well known to take about an hour. This could include a candle burning down about halfway, the literal use of a clock (most likely not used), and my favorite thus far, getting film developed at Walgreens. I could film someone simply walking in, giving film to a clerk, the cut to them returning and paying for the film. Pretty simple idea if i can't figure anything else out i like more.
One other idea i had that could either inspire thought or aggravate is to just film a plane landing. Many travellers understand that this is when one may need to reset their watch, thus gaining or losing at least an hour or more.
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Critical thinking on Time
How can i think about time without considering Einstein's theory of relativity? I can't. To put it simply, time moves slower on objects in motion. There is no reverse in direction, yet if one could possibly move fast enough time itself could possibly stand still or even reverse.
Keeping in mind that time itself is an abstract idea (which is probably why i don't get along well with it), how do I show one hour of time through a video piece not equal to one hour? I'll just list three ideas so that i will be prepared for class.
1. Show video from the standpoint of a moving object. The video would end up being shorter than an hour because time is acting slower on the camera and still showing about an hour of motion outside the vehicle or object.
2. Film a moving object from a stationary point. This could turn out badly for the video would be longer than an hour and perhaps painful to watch. The object would take longer to reach an hour.
3. This final idea is more of a considerable approach. I could film a time lapse video of one hour of a candle melting. The only difference from the generic time lapse that our teacher warned us about is that it would move in reverse. Still not sure how clever this idea seems, but hopefully i can come up with some more by class tomorrow.
Keeping in mind that time itself is an abstract idea (which is probably why i don't get along well with it), how do I show one hour of time through a video piece not equal to one hour? I'll just list three ideas so that i will be prepared for class.
1. Show video from the standpoint of a moving object. The video would end up being shorter than an hour because time is acting slower on the camera and still showing about an hour of motion outside the vehicle or object.
2. Film a moving object from a stationary point. This could turn out badly for the video would be longer than an hour and perhaps painful to watch. The object would take longer to reach an hour.
3. This final idea is more of a considerable approach. I could film a time lapse video of one hour of a candle melting. The only difference from the generic time lapse that our teacher warned us about is that it would move in reverse. Still not sure how clever this idea seems, but hopefully i can come up with some more by class tomorrow.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Critique 1 Write-up
Material choices were slightly tied with my concept. I just wanted to experiment with mixing still images with animation and i used the idea of Hypnagogia to demonstrate this. Hypnagogia is a Greek term referring to the state in between sleep and dreams. For me this state happens usually when i'm waking up after a one hour nap and freak out cause i saw spiders dropping on me from the ceiling. The long pauses on the still scene hopefully add to the idea that reality seems mundane compared to when dreams affect it. This paired with a quick succession of images at the end should help for contrast. Although the video has a fairly silly tone I still feel it was a successful experiment. i just want to give the same feeling i have when i wake up to a skewed reality. The sound of news droning in the background with a shrill scream could hopefully be added later to help the piece.
There were a few other images i cut due to time constraint, and i couldn't figure out how to reverse video using photoshop animation.
Quiz #1
1. Not going to lie i completely forgot to read.
2. A scene is a full filming with different camera angles at one setting and a shot is the footage from one camera instance in the scene.
3. Editing is the arranging of different camera footage into a chronological or narrative order. By use of transitions. Transitions that are most often used are the fade from one camera to another, the immediate cutting of one camera to another, and the use of elements in the footage to change between cameras (such as a bus passing with new camera angle following). Most other transitions, such as fly-ins, tend to look a little cheesy.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Four words
Oftentimes all one can do is chill while retarded people make awkward attempts at satirizing life.
So let's start this shit. I have a lot of ideas for my own videos it is just a matter of organizing and narrowing them all down. First, i love the thought of satirizing life itself. I find life hilarious at times even at times when it is not appropriate at all. Awkward situations are often brilliantly represented in some of my favorite shows such as The Office, Reno 911, and Flight of the Conchords. Not only is the acting done well, at times it is even evident that the cinematographers are mocking the filming styles of reality t.v. Often times the funniest situations are ones where everyone is completely serious. For instance the new "Chill. Don't kill." ad campaign for memphis i find extremely funny. Mainly because the editors were completely serious about their topic and it's pretty retarded.
Inspiration for the Semester
This semester i hope to gain knowledge to help me edit my own videos with a high level of professionalism. I watched a few of the past class videos and it inspired me to research my own concepts further. i know that the average human has a short attention span so frequent camera changes showing a variation of angles is fairly necessary. The best videos often had the highest quality sound and since I am also in Sound Acquisition and Editing i hope this will help tremendously.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
I had about an hour to watch the inauguration before having to go back to class. Hundreds of thousands of people were lining the streets of Washington to get a glimpse of President Obama. I'm not big on traditions for at times they can promote a misguided feeling of rationality, yet i was awed by the nostalgia of it all. The news reporters, as usual, tried their best to make things as interesting as possible, pulling stories out of every little detail of the parade. Apparently it is a big deal whether or not the President exits the limo and walks to the White House. I doubt this detail makes any relevance to the success of a Presidents term in office, but the media exaggerates most anything to gain viewer attention.
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