Thursday, January 29, 2009

More Time Ideas.

I can't sleep so i'm going to write up a few more ideas that are mulling around in my head. One aspect to consider is how i want the audience to feel about this hour or how the video will inevitably make them feel. Secondly, I also want to consider the use of transitions to show time pass. Even with transitions it would be nice to use actions that are well known to take about an hour. This could include a candle burning down about halfway, the literal use of a clock (most likely not used), and my favorite thus far, getting film developed at Walgreens. I could film someone simply walking in, giving film to a clerk, the cut to them returning and paying for the film.  Pretty simple idea if i can't figure anything else out i like more.

One other idea i had that could either inspire thought or aggravate is to just film a plane landing. Many travellers understand that this is when one may need to reset their watch, thus gaining or losing at least an hour or more.

1 comment:

  1. I think that the plane landing could be neat, especially if you altered the speed of the frames.
