Thursday, January 29, 2009

One last idea before i go to sleep. I may just be delirious right now cause it's 4 am, but this seems thought provoking at the moment. I could film an entire episode of 24. This would be an time lapse representation of a one hour television show that is representing 24 hours. I guess i'll find out when i wake up whether I still think this would be cool.


  1. The candle melting in reverse is an interesting idea. Since you associate the theory of relativity with time so closely, maybe you could incorporate that into your video by using multiple candles burning. If not, why not multiple objects burn? Even inanimate objects work on their own time when dealing with fire. Depending on the material, each object may burn in a different way.

  2. hah! it's a funny cinematic joke, but not much more, ya know?

  3. i don't know about that might be a little boring...
